A-46/III, LIG Colony, A.B. Road, Indore-452008 (M.P)
E-mail: shreenarayanasamajamindore
Shree Narayana Samajam, Indore is formed in the year 1996 with the prime objective to promote and propagate the teachings of Sree Narayana Gurudevan amongst the mass and also for the welfare of the followers of Gurudevan. Samajam got it registered under Society’s Act in the year 1997 and is also eligible for Income Tax exemption u/s 80G. At present its membership is 130. Most of the members are working class belongs to middle class except few belongs to business class. Samajam is having its own office at A-46/III, LIG Colony, A.B. Road, Indore which is considered as Gurmandhiram till acquiring land and constructing a prayer hall and mandhiram. In Gurumandhiram monthly chathaya pooja/bhajan is being conducted besides samadhi puja and bhajana/pooja. Every year Guru Jayanti is also celebrated in a befitting manner. For throwing light to the teachings of gurudevan amongst the members, in 2017 prabhashanam of Shri Sajeev Krishnan, renowned guru prabhashakan and anchor of Gurusagaram programme of Kaumudi TV was also conducted. As a part of spreading Guru’s preachings amongst hindi population, samajam had actively participated in the mela of Hindu Service Society by putting a stall at Lalbagh Palace premises, Indore in November, 2017 wherein booklet in hindi containing about Gurudevan and his preachings were distributed to the visiting mass. For acquainting the new generation of samajam children about gurudevan and his preachings a study class is being conducted every month at Gurumandhiram. A plot measuring 2000 sq.ft is acquired for the samajam in Satellite Junction, Indore which is not sufficient for constructing a prayer hall and mandhiram. However our Samajam is in the active process to acquire suitable land for construction of a mandhiram and prayer hall.The Samajam is playing a vital role in uniting its members by holding bhajans at the residences of members on their request and also actively involved in their welfare activities.In emergent situations we are extending financial aids to our members.Samajam is actively participating in the meetings of SNGC.For the first time a team had also participated in the Sivagiri Theerthadanam 2017-18.
Shree Narayana Samajam, Indore is formed in the year 2006 and got it registered under Society’s Act in the year 2007 and is eligible for exemption u/s 80G of Income Tax Act . At present its membership is 130 and efforts are being made to enroll more members to its fold. Samajam is having its own office at A-46/III, LIG Colony, A.B. Road, Indore, which is recently converted as Gurumandhiram. Besides this a plot measuring 2000 sq.ft is acquired for the samajam in Satellite Junction, Indore. Our Samajam is in the process to purchase suitable land for construction of a Guru mandhiram and prayer hall.
- To spread the philosophy and preachings of Sree Narayana Gurudevan amongst the masses.
- To educate the members about the philosophy and preachings of guru for the upliftment of mankind irrespective of caste and creed.
- To co-operate with other organizations for promoting brotherhood
- To encourage and promote the members in the field of cultural activities, educational and spreading values of life.
- To establish coaching class centres, training centres, technical and educational institutions.
- To establish hostels, dharamsalas, Guest houses, Ashram, welfare centre for elders, widows and disabled ones.
- To establish welfare centres for women and children to attain independency in the society.
- To establish and maintain library, gurumandhiram, prayer hall etc.
- To promote sports and physical education etc.
Board of Trustees

S. Devarajan
Contact : 9425348344

B. Devarajan
Contact : 09425957703

A.R. Rahul Kumar
Contact : 8435517000